RobBrown photo:McMullin
check out ESM issue#128 for sequence and kind words by ZanderMorton “Rob’s not scared of anything.I watched him surf double-overhead Rockpile alone before dark one day, w/out an ounce of hesitation. Every year, Rob spends months out there with WillSkudin, + MarkYonkers, + those three have all developed the reputation as East Coast madmen.”

ROB kicks ass… Aint even a team rider? but we sell him old fucked up boards from other team riders. he fixes them, and charges harder and get better shots?
haha Heres Rob on a few AJW’s…
FuckYEah ROB we love it!

Owe u a PBR!

Were Tired of same old…
Advertising hype… my space crap, but got a bunch of internet junk we thinks worth posting. somewhere we can help promote, team riders/ friends/ or just weird shit?
This is it… Its not for advertisement, selling boards or nothing. just some junk or funny stuf?
(feel free to comment or post anything worth watching).

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