Goin for broke on ol yella!!! (7’8″AJW quad lasted 1 full season down in Puerto, till now…) Keepin the stoke alive for all of us !!!
Dont worry…Miguel will have her back in the water n no time! 🙂 photo: Glaser
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Well after spendin the entire coldseason in hawaii. He is back in NC, and still rippin. A few weeks back he sent in some sic shots scorin epic hatty… he seem to be enjoyin the fruits of NC, instead of posting those shots, i think these do equal justice. Slater baggin the big ones “norcakalac” style. Gotta Love IT!!!
check out the beercan size vs. lobster tail
Heres a few clips of SlaterP. courtesy of LeftBehindMedia.com
Thanks a lot Brendan, appreciate the clip!!!
DID I Mention Slater Rips?
Awesome watersequence by: Ketchum
photo:Marincovichwhere’s ol Tyler V??? apparently gettin some head dips in Pascuales. he headed south about month or two ago. picked up a new pintail + another channel bottom, and left.. not sure but i think he’s gonna teach english down there?. probably wont be back for quite awhile. Bueno Suerte AMIGO!!!